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Welcome to Batanaful—a UK-based organic hair and skincare brand offering miracle-working products derived from pure, raw Batana oil.
For those of you who have never heard of Batana oil, you’re in for a treat. This Oil is found deep in the tropical rainforests of La Moskitia, Honduras. Batana oil has been used by the indigenous Miskito—also known as the Tawira, or “the people of beautiful hair”—for hundreds of years. Referring to it as their “miracle oil,” they credit batana oil with keeping their hair long, strong, and shiny. Today the oil is still hand harvested and extracted using the same traditional eco-friendly techniques keeping the oil pure and preserving the land.
Perfect for all hair types, Batana oil has been clinically proven to penetrate the hair’s shaft, repairing and locking in moisture deep within. People worldwide can vouch for its astounding ability to transform dry, dull, flat, or thinning hair into thick, shiny, soft locks. It’s also been shown to act as a skin emollient, soothing, softening, and hydrating dry, itchy, rough skin. Did we mention it can also help fade scars and stretch marks? They don’t call it a “miracle oil” for nothing!